1 // direct_download_links - Add direct download links
4 // Copyright (C) 2011 Antonio Ospite <ospite@studenti.unina.it>
5 // Released under the GPL license
6 // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
8 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // This is a Greasemonkey user script.
12 // To install, you need Greasemonkey: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748
13 // Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
14 // Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
15 // Accept the default configuration and install.
17 // To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts,
18 // select "Direct Download Links", and click Uninstall.
20 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
23 // @name Direct Download Links
24 // @namespace http://git.ao2.it/GM_direct_download_links.git
25 // @description Add direct download links
26 // @include http://video.repubblica.it/*
27 // @include http://tv.repubblica.it/*
28 // @include http://trovacinema.repubblica.it/*
29 // @include http://www.kataweb.it/tvzap/*
30 // @include http://www.rai.tv/*
31 // @include http://soundcloud.com/*
37 * - find a way to use the same string as in the @include lines to match the
38 * current window.location. Look for something like GM_testUrl() which builds
39 * the regexp starting from a glob line.
40 * - use xpath instead of regexp like in http://a32.me/2009/11/greasemonkey/
41 * - use jquery, like shown in http://a32.me/2009/11/greasemonkey/
44 /* Fields supported by the "site" object.
47 * pageURL: the URL of the page we are modifying
48 * urlContainer: the element containing the URL to link
49 * urlRegexp: the regular expression for finding the URL, the first
50 * sub-pattern is taken as the URL
51 * linkDest: the element where to place the Direct Download link
56 * initCommand: a function called before the regExp is matched, this can
57 * be useful in cases when some action needs to be done in
58 * order to make the element containing the regExp be actually
59 * rendered. It must accept a 'site' parameter.
61 * onEvent: used to delay the urlRegexp matching to a certain event like
62 * 'DOMNodeInserted' useful when the URL is added by some javascript
63 * library. It has two fields:
65 * evt: the event we want to wait for (e.g. 'DOMNodeInserted')
67 * targetElement: the element in the event handler we want the
68 * urlRegexp is performed on.
70 * processURL: a function to process the URL before adding the Direct
71 * Downdload Link to the page, it must accept a 'site' and a
72 * 'URL' parameters and dispatch the UrlFetched to pass the
73 * modified URL to _add_link().
76 var supported_sites = [
78 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/video\.repubblica\.it\/.*$/,
79 urlContainer: 'contA',
80 urlRegexp: /'pcUrl', '((http|mms):\/\/[^']*)'/,
84 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/tv\.repubblica\.it\/.*$/,
85 urlContainer: 'boxPlayer',
86 urlRegexp: /'pcUrl', '((http|mms):\/\/[^']*)'/,
87 linkDest: 'box_embed',
90 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/trovacinema\.repubblica\.it\/.*$/,
91 urlContainer: 'col-center',
92 urlRegexp: /'flvUrl', '((http|mms):\/\/[^']*)'/,
93 linkDest: 'col-center',
96 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/www\.kataweb\.it\/tvzap\/.*$/,
97 urlContainer: 'tvzap_video',
98 urlRegexp: /'pcUrl', '((http|mms):\/\/[^']*)'/,
99 linkDest: 'playerCont',
102 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/www\.rai\.tv\/.*$/,
103 initCommand: function(site) {
104 unsafeWindow.Silverlight.isInstalled = function(version) {
108 urlContainer: 'Player',
109 urlRegexp: /mediaUri=(http:\/\/[^,]*)/,
110 onEvent: { evt: 'DOMNodeInserted', targetElement: 'object' },
111 processURL: _rai_get_actual_url,
115 locationRegexp: /^http:\/\/soundcloud.com\/.*$/,
116 urlContainer: 'main-content-inner',
117 urlRegexp: /"streamUrl":"([^"]*)"/,
118 linkDest: 'main-content-inner',
122 /* Apply different rules to different sites */
123 for (i = 0; i < supported_sites.length; i++) {
124 var site = supported_sites[i];
126 var result = window.location.href.match(site.locationRegexp);
128 if (site.initCommand) {
129 site.initCommand(site);
131 direct_download_link_add(window.location.href, site);
136 * Add a Direct Download link on the page for the specified URL
138 * @param: a 'site' object described above.
140 * @return: null on error, true on success
142 function direct_download_link_add(pageURL, site) {
143 var element = document.getElementById(site.urlContainer);
145 DDL_log('DirectDL (' + site.pageURL + '): Cannot find the element ' + site.urlContainer + ' containing the URL.');
149 document.addEventListener('UrlFetched', _add_link, true);
151 // This is used for sites adding the URL to the DOM after DOMContentLoaded,
152 // for example by some javascript library (like Silverlight.js on rai.tv).
154 element.addEventListener(site.onEvent.evt, function(e) {
155 if (site.onEvent.targetElement &&
156 e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != site.onEvent.targetElement) {
157 DDL_log('DirectDL (' + site.pageURL + '): skipping element ' + e.target.tagName);
160 _get_URL(site, element);
165 _get_URL(site, element);
168 function _get_URL(site, element) {
169 var content = element.innerHTML;
171 DDL_log('DirectDL (' + site.pageURL + '): content is null, cannot find URL.');
175 var matches = content.match(site.urlRegexp);
176 if (!matches || matches.length < 2 || !matches[1]) {
177 DDL_log('DirectDL (' + site.pageURL + '): URL not found, check the urlRegexp');
180 var URL = matches[1];
182 DDL_log('DirectDL (' + site.pageURL + '): cannot get the URL.');
186 if (site.processURL) {
187 site.processURL(site, URL);
191 var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
192 evt.initEvent('UrlFetched', true, true);
195 document.dispatchEvent(evt);
198 function _add_link(e) {
202 var destination = document.getElementById(site.linkDest);
204 DDL_log('DirectDl (' + site.pageURL + '): Cannot add the direct download link.');
208 // Check if we added the link already, if so just update the href attribute.
209 // This is useful when _get_URL() is called on async events.
210 var download_link = document.getElementById('GM_direct_downaload_link');
212 download_link.setAttribute('href', URL);
214 download_link = document.createElement('a');
215 download_link.textContent = 'Direct Link';
216 download_link.setAttribute('id', 'GM_direct_downaload_link');
217 download_link.setAttribute('href', URL);
218 var style = 'background-color: white; color: blue;';
219 style += ' border: 2px solid red;'
220 style += ' float: right; font-size: large;';
221 style += ' padding: .5em; margin: 1em;'
222 style += ' position: relative; z-index: 1000;'
223 download_link.setAttribute('style', style);
225 destination.insertBefore(download_link, destination.firstChild);
229 function DDL_log(message) {
238 function _rai_get_actual_url(site, URL) {
240 // SmoothStreaming manifest files get added without processing, for now:
241 if (URL.match(/.*\.csm$/)) {
242 var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
243 evt.initEvent('UrlFetched', true, true);
246 document.dispatchEvent(evt);
250 // http://www.neaveru.com/wordpress/index.php/2008/05/09/greasemonkey-bug-domnodeinserted-event-doesnt-allow-gm_xmlhttprequest/
251 setTimeout( function() {
254 // XXX A custom header. This is the "clever" trick Rai uses to ensure
255 // the content is accessed by www.rai.tv only...
256 headers: {'viaurl': 'www.rai.tv'},
258 onload: function(response) {
259 text = response.responseText;
260 text = text.replace(/&/g, '&')
261 parser = new DOMParser();
262 xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
264 ref = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('REF');
265 if (ref.length > 0) {
266 href = ref[0].getAttribute('HREF');;
268 var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
269 evt.initEvent('UrlFetched', true, true);
272 document.dispatchEvent(evt);