#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist # # # G N U P L O T # Version 5.0 patchlevel 1 last modified 2015-06-07 # # Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2015 # Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others # # gnuplot home: http://www.gnuplot.info # faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ" # immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h') set border 1 set nogrid set key autotitles nobox reverse Left enhanced vert left at graph 0, screen 0.98 set title "Morse code sent using phone rings and pulse-distance modulation" set xlabel "time since the first call (seconds)" set noytics set xtics 20 out nomirror rotate by -45 set yrange[0:0.7] set size ratio 0.3 set style arrow 1 heads size 2,90 front ls 201 lc 'gray' _w = 1280 _h = _w * 0.39 # a helper function min(a, b) = (a < b) ? a : b # The data files transmit_data="codex_transmit.log" receive_data="codex_receive.log" #transmit_data="savemysugar_transmit.log" #receive_data="savemysugar_receive.log" #transmit_data="android_codex_transmit.log" #receive_data="android_codex_receive.log" #transmit_data="android_savemysugar_transmit.log" #receive_data="android_savemysugar_receive.log" set terminal unknown plot transmit_data using 1:(1) sender_t0 = GPVAL_DATA_X_MIN plot receive_data using 1:(1) receiver_t0 = GPVAL_DATA_X_MIN t0 = min(sender_t0, receiver_t0) morse_symbol(symbol) = symbol eq " " ? "sep" : symbol eq "/" ? "SEP" : symbol end_of_signal(symbol) = (symbol eq " ") || (symbol eq "/") || (symbol eq "EOM") text_character(symbol, character) = symbol eq "/" ? character . "␣" : character set terminal qt 0 enhanced font "Georgia,14" size _w,_h #set terminal pngcairo notransparent nocrop truecolor rounded enhanced font "Georgia,14" fontscale 1.0 size _w,_h #set output 'pulse_distance_modulation.png' plot \ transmit_data using (0):(0):($1 - t0):($1 - t0 + $8):(0):(0.5) with boxxy \ fs solid noborder lc "#90caf9" title 'outgoing calls', \ receive_data using ($1 - t0):(0.5) with impulses lw 2 lc '#ff3d00' title 'ingoing rings', \ receive_data using ($4 > 0 ? $1 - t0 : 1/0):(0.53):(-$4):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 1 notitle, \ receive_data using ($4 > 0 ? ($1 - t0) - ($4 / 2) : 1/0):(0.56):(morse_symbol(strcol(6))) with labels notitle, \ receive_data using (end_of_signal(strcol(6)) ? ($1 - t0) : 1/0):(0.61):(text_character(strcol(6), strcol(8))) with labels font "Courier,14" notitle, \