t0 = min(sender_t0, receiver_t0)
-call_setup_time = receiver_t0 - sender_t0
-call_time_error = 1.2
-call_time = call_setup_time + call_time_error
morse_symbol(symbol) = symbol eq " " ? "sep" : symbol eq "/" ? "SEP" : symbol
end_of_signal(symbol) = (symbol eq " ") || (symbol eq "/") || (symbol eq "EOM")
text_character(symbol, character) = symbol eq "/" ? character . "␣" : character
#set output 'pulse_distance_modulation.png'
plot \
- transmit_data using (0):(0):($1 - t0):($1 - t0 + call_time):(0):(0.5) with boxxy \
+ transmit_data using (0):(0):($1 - t0):($1 - t0 + $8):(0):(0.5) with boxxy \
fs solid noborder lc "#90caf9" title 'outgoing calls', \
receive_data using ($1 - t0):(0.5) with impulses lw 2 lc '#ff3d00' title 'ingoing rings', \
receive_data using ($4 > 0 ? $1 - t0 : 1/0):(0.53):(-$4):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 1 notitle, \