2 # Bootstrap a Drupal project
4 # Copyright (C) 2017 Antonio Ospite <ao2@ao2.it>
6 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 usage: drin $(basename "$0" .sh) [--devel|--overwrite-profile|-h|--help]
25 Bootstrap a Drupal project, using settings from a 'bootstrap.conf' file.
28 --devel install drupal/devel and use a settings.local.php file
29 --overwrite-profile allow overwriting the current installation profile
30 -h, --help display this usage message and exit
49 echo "Error: Unknown option '${1}'" 1>&2
55 [ -f "bootstrap.conf" ] || { echo "Aborting, run this command from the Drupal project directory." 1>&2; exit 1; }
57 # shellcheck disable=SC1091
64 declare -p ACCOUNT_NAME
65 declare -p ACCOUNT_PASS
66 declare -p ACCOUNT_MAIL
70 declare -p SITE_BASE_PATH
72 declare -p TRUSTED_HOSTS
74 declare -p WEB_SERVER_GROUP
76 [ "x$INSTALLATION_PROFILE" = "x" ] && { echo "INSTALLATION_PROFILE not specified, using the \"standard\" profile!"; INSTALLATION_PROFILE="standard"; }
78 if [ "$MYSQL_PASSWORDLESS_ACCESS" = true ];
82 # XXX Deprecate MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, it will be removed eventually,
83 # but for now add some backwards compatibility mapping.
84 if [ "x$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" != "x" ];
86 echo "WARN: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is deprecated, use MYSQL_SU_USER and MYSQL_SU_PASSWORD" 1>&2
91 if [ "x$MYSQL_SU_USER" = "x" ];
93 echo "Aborting, for password regulated access specify MYSQL_SU_USER in bootstrap.conf" 1>&2
97 if [ "x$MYSQL_SU_PASSWORD" = "x" ];
99 read -r -s -p "MySQL password for \"${MYSQL_SU_USER}\": " MYSQL_SU_PASSWORD
108 WEB_ROOT="${PWD}/web"
110 command -v composer &> /dev/null || { echo "Aborting, 'composer' not available." 1>&2; exit 1; }
111 command -v git &> /dev/null || { echo "Aborting, 'git' not available." 1>&2; exit 1; }
113 [ -d "$WEB_ROOT" ] || composer install
115 DRUSH="${PWD}/vendor/bin/drush"
116 DRUPAL_CONSOLE="${PWD}/vendor/bin/drupal"
118 [ -x "$DRUSH" ] || { echo "Aborting, '$DRUSH' not available." 1>&2; exit 1; }
119 [ -x "$DRUPAL_CONSOLE" ] || { echo "Aborting, '$DRUPAL_CONSOLE' not available." 1>&2; exit 1; }
121 # This becomes unnecessary if the installation profile gets pulled in by
122 # composer.json, like suggested in
123 # https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project/issues/249
124 if ! echo "$INSTALLATION_PROFILE" | grep -q -E "^(minimal|standard)$";
126 if [ -d "${WEB_ROOT}/profiles/${INSTALLATION_PROFILE}" ] && [ "$OVERWRITE_PROFILE" != "true" ];
128 echo "Installation profile '$INSTALLATION_PROFILE' already there." 1>&2
129 echo "Use --overwrite-profile to copy over it." 1>&2
132 cp -a "$INSTALLATION_PROFILE" "${WEB_ROOT}/profiles"
138 # Update the install_profile if it's already there
139 if grep -q "^\\\$settings\['install_profile'\] =" sites/default/settings.php;
141 chmod 755 sites/default
142 chmod 644 sites/default/settings.php
143 sed -i -e "s/^\(\$settings\['install_profile'\]\) = '[^']*';/\1 = '$INSTALLATION_PROFILE';/g" sites/default/settings.php
144 chmod 444 sites/default/settings.php
145 chmod 555 sites/default
148 $DRUSH --verbose --yes \
151 --db-url="mysql://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@localhost/${DB_NAME}" \
152 --site-name="$SITE_NAME" \
153 --site-mail="$SITE_MAIL" \
154 --account-name="$ACCOUNT_NAME" \
155 --account-pass="$ACCOUNT_PASS" \
156 --account-mail="$ACCOUNT_MAIL" \
159 if $DRUSH pm-list --type=module --field=name --status=enabled --pipe | grep -q "^locale$";
161 # This is necessary for multi-language sites, it fixes some issues like:
162 # "The Translation source field needs to be installed."
163 $DRUSH --yes entity-updates
165 # Update translations of contrib modules
166 $DRUSH --yes locale-update
169 # This fixes permissions when installing under $HOME/public_html/
170 chmod 775 sites/default/files
171 sudo chgrp -R "$WEB_SERVER_GROUP" sites/default/files
173 [ -d ../config/sync ] && sudo chgrp -R "$WEB_SERVER_GROUP" ../config/sync
176 sed -i "s@\(# \)\{0,1\}RewriteBase .*\$@RewriteBase ${SITE_BASE_PATH}@" .htaccess
178 chmod 755 sites/default
179 chmod 644 sites/default/settings.php
181 # Add some basic settings to settings.php
182 if ! grep -q "^\\\$settings\['trusted_host_patterns'\] =" sites/default/settings.php;
184 echo "\$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [" >> sites/default/settings.php
185 for host in "${TRUSTED_HOSTS[@]}"
187 echo " '^${host}\$'," >> sites/default/settings.php
189 echo "];" >> sites/default/settings.php
192 if [ "$DEVEL_MODE" = "true" ];
194 # NOTE: don't run composer under web/ but in the project dir
195 composer --working-dir=../ require drupal/devel
196 $DRUSH --yes en devel
198 if [ ! -e sites/default/settings.local.php ];
200 cp sites/example.settings.local.php sites/default/settings.local.php
202 # Disable some overly permissive settings
203 sed -i -e "s/^\(\$settings\['rebuild_access'\]\).*$/\1 = FALSE;/g" sites/default/settings.local.php
204 sed -i -e "s/^\(\$settings\['skip_permissions_hardening'\]\).*$/\1 = FALSE;/g" sites/default/settings.local.php
206 chmod 444 sites/default/settings.local.php
209 if ! grep -q "^include \$app_root . '/' . \$site_path . '/settings.local.php';" sites/default/settings.php;
211 echo "include \$app_root . '/' . \$site_path . '/settings.local.php';" >> sites/default/settings.php
215 chmod 444 sites/default/settings.php
216 chmod 555 sites/default
218 # If using a git checkout of Drupal core, set up a diff alias.
220 # This is useful because the Automated Test infrastructure of drupal.org does
221 # not expect patches to be created from a split core directory.
224 git -C core/ config --local alias.core-diff "diff --src-prefix=a/core/ --dst-prefix=b/core/"
225 echo "Added a 'git core-diff' command to the drupal/core repository clone."
226 echo "This command helps creating core patches ready for upstream."