#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist # # # G N U P L O T # Version 4.6 patchlevel 6 last modified September 2014 # Build System: Linux x86_64 # # Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2014 # Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others # # gnuplot home: http://www.gnuplot.info # faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ" # immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h') set title "Seasonal phenomenon, highlighted with a seasonal gradient in the background" set border 3 set grid xtics back set key noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set key vert out bottom center set key width 2 height 1 set rmargin 8 set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format x "%b %y" set xtics out nomirror rotate by -45 set ylabel "y" norotate set ytics out nomirror 1 # Define a color palette representing the "season temperature" _saturation = .2 set palette maxcolors 4 set palette model HSV defined ( \ 0 200/360. _saturation 1, \ 1 100/360. _saturation 1, \ 2 80/360. _saturation 1, \ 3 20/360. _saturation 1, \ 3 0/360. _saturation 1, \ 3 360/360. _saturation 1, \ 4 290/360. _saturation 1) set cbrange [0:4] # Seasons order as in the northern hemiphere set cbtics offset 0,+3 ( \ 'Winter' 0, \ 'Spring' 1, \ 'Summer' 2, \ 'Autumn' 3, \ '' 4) # Utility functions to deal with seasons # When data is time, intervals are in seconds one_year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 three_months = one_year / 4 # Argument is a month between 0 and 11 season(x) = ((int(x) + 1) % 12) / 3 # Argument is a season between 0 and 3. # # NOTE: when rotating modulo 12, increasing by 11 is the same as subtracting # by 1, the increment is used here because gnuplot does not handle the modulo # with negative numbers very well first_month_of_season(x) = ((int(x) * 3) + 11) % 12 # Winter starts the previous year if the months are January (0) of February (1) start_of_season(x) = strptime("%Y-%m-%d", "" . (int(tm_year(x)) - (int(tm_mon(x)) < 2)) . "-" . int(first_month_of_season(season(tm_mon(x))) + 1) . "-21") # Dummy plot to gather some stats from the dataset set terminal unknown plot 'data.dat' using 1:2 xmin = start_of_season(GPVAL_DATA_X_MIN) xmax = start_of_season(GPVAL_DATA_X_MAX + three_months) ymin = GPVAL_Y_MIN ymax = GPVAL_Y_MAX set xrange [xmin:xmax] set yrange [ymin:ymax] # Calculate the x sampling rate for the '+' plot below. # This way we draw only the strictly needed boxxys for the background. # # Divide by three_months in order to have intervals of three months each and # round x_samples to the next multiple of 3 because the samples will be # divided by 3 in the season() function to set the season color. x_samples = ceil((xmax - xmin) / three_months / 3) * 3 set samples x_samples, 100 set xtics xmin,three_months set terminal qt 0 #set terminal png notransparent nocrop truecolor rounded enhanced font "arial,8" fontscale 1.0 #set output 'full_range_seasonal.png' # Use the boxxyerrorbars style to draw the background choosing the color # according to the season. plot \ '+' using (0):(0):(start_of_season($1)):(start_of_season($1 + three_months)):(ymin):(ymax):(season(tm_mon($1))) with boxxy fc palette fs solid notitle, \ 'data.dat' using 1:2 w l lc rgb "black" title "data"