#ifndef TRAIL_HPP #define TRAIL_HPP #include #include "Frame.hpp" typedef std::list trail_t; class Trail { private: virtual void iterate(cv::Mat& frame, void (*action)(cv::Mat&, Frame *, int, int)) = 0; cv::Mat *background = NULL; bool redraw_current_frame; bool persistent; void (*drawStrategy)(cv::Mat&, Frame *, int, int); static void frameCopy(cv::Mat& destination, Frame *frame, int frame_index, int trail_size) { (void) frame_index; (void) trail_size; frame->copyTo(destination); } static void frameAccumulate(cv::Mat& destination, Frame *frame, int frame_index, int trail_size) { (void) frame_index; (void) trail_size; cv::accumulate(frame->getData(), destination, frame->getMask()); } static void frameFadeCopy(cv::Mat& destination, Frame *frame, int frame_index, int trail_size) { double weight = ((double) frame_index) / trail_size; cv::Mat weighted_frame; frame->getData().convertTo(weighted_frame, destination.type(), weight); weighted_frame.copyTo(destination, frame->getMask()); } static void frameFadeAccumulate(cv::Mat& destination, Frame *frame, int frame_index, int trail_size) { double weight = ((double) frame_index) / trail_size; cv::accumulateWeighted(frame->getData(), destination, weight, frame->getMask()); } static void frameAverage(cv::Mat& destination, Frame *frame, int frame_index, int trail_size) { (void) frame_index; double weight = 1. / trail_size; cv::accumulateWeighted(frame->getData(), destination, weight, frame->getMask()); } protected: trail_t trail; public: Trail(int trail_length, cv::Size frame_size) { redraw_current_frame = false; drawStrategy = frameCopy; persistent = false; if (trail_length < 0) { persistent = true; background = new cv::Mat(frame_size, CV_8UC3); } if (trail_length < 1) trail_length = 1; for (int i = 0; i < trail_length; i++) trail.push_back(new Frame(frame_size)); } virtual ~Trail() { trail_t::iterator trail_it; for (trail_it = trail.begin(); trail_it != trail.end(); trail_it++) { delete(*trail_it); } trail.clear(); delete background; } void setBackground(cv::Mat trail_background) { delete background; background = new cv::Mat(trail_background); } int setDrawingMethod(std::string drawing_method) { if (drawing_method == "copy") { drawStrategy = frameCopy; } else if (drawing_method == "accumulate") { drawStrategy = frameAccumulate; } else if (drawing_method == "fadecopy") { drawStrategy = frameFadeCopy; } else if (drawing_method == "fadeaccumulate") { drawStrategy = frameFadeAccumulate; } else if (drawing_method == "average") { drawStrategy = frameAverage; } else { return -1; } return 0; } void setRedrawCurrentFrame(bool do_redraw_current_frame) { redraw_current_frame = do_redraw_current_frame; } void update(Frame *frame) { Frame *front = trail.front(); trail.pop_front(); delete front; trail.push_back(frame); } void draw(cv::Mat& destination) { cv::Mat float_destination; if (background) background->convertTo(float_destination, CV_32FC3); else destination.convertTo(float_destination, CV_32FC3); iterate(float_destination, drawStrategy); float_destination.convertTo(destination, destination.type()); if (redraw_current_frame) { Frame *current_frame = trail.back(); current_frame->getData().copyTo(destination, current_frame->getMask()); } /* remember the current trail in the background image */ if (persistent) float_destination.convertTo(*background, background->type()); } }; class ForwardTrail: public Trail { void iterate(cv::Mat& destination, void (*action)(cv::Mat&, Frame *, int, int)) { int index = 0; trail_t::iterator trail_it; for (trail_it = trail.begin(); trail_it != trail.end(); trail_it++) { action(destination, *trail_it, ++index, trail.size()); } } public: ForwardTrail(int trail_lenght, cv::Size frame_size) : Trail(trail_lenght, frame_size) { } }; class ReverseTrail: public Trail { void iterate(cv::Mat& destination, void (*action)(cv::Mat&, Frame *, int, int)) { int index = 0; trail_t::reverse_iterator trail_it; for (trail_it = trail.rbegin(); trail_it != trail.rend(); trail_it++) { action(destination, *trail_it, ++index, trail.size()); } } public: ReverseTrail(int trail_lenght, cv::Size frame_size) : Trail(trail_lenght, frame_size) { } }; #endif // TRAIL_HPP