Some simple tools to analyze X selection buffers to understand what is going on when text is selected with the mouse in X11. BACK STORY ========== When vim is compiled with the +clipboad and +xterm_clipboard functionalities, and setmouse=a is set, using vim in combination with xterm allows this workflow: 1. Select something with the mouse; 2. exit vim; 3. paste the previously selected text with the middle mouse click. Moving from xterm to gnome-terminal this workflow is not possible by default. It turns out this is not a missing feature of vte or gtk, but rather some extra functionality offered only by the combination of vim and xterm. Vim copies to the CUT_BUFFER0 selection when it exits and xterm is able to paste from CUT_BUFFER0 when it receives a middle click. To make the workflow from above possible again it is possible to have vim preserve the PRIMARY selection when it exits with a command like the following in ~/.vimrc: autocmd VimLeave * call system("xsel -ip", getreg('*')) All the details of how the issue have been debugged can be found at REFERENCES ==========!topic/vim_dev/nlyA7AN9mfQ!topic/vim_use/NtprNch2ZkQ