dnl required version of autoconf AC_PREREQ([2.53]) AC_INIT([gst-am7xxxsink],[0.1.0],[http://ao2.it],[gst-am7xxxsink]) dnl required versions of gstreamer and plugins-base GST_REQUIRED=1.0.0 GSTPB_REQUIRED=1.0.0 AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gstam7xxxsink.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) dnl required version of automake AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.10]) dnl enable mainainer mode by default AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]) dnl use pretty build output with automake >= 1.11 m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES],[AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])], [AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1 AC_SUBST(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)]) dnl check for tools (compiler etc.) AC_PROG_CC dnl required version of libtool LT_PREREQ([2.2.6]) LT_INIT dnl give error and exit if we don't have pkgconfig AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_PKGCONFIG, pkg-config, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to have pkg-config installed!]) ]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GST, [ gstreamer-1.0 >= $GST_REQUIRED gstreamer-base-1.0 >= $GST_REQUIRED gstreamer-controller-1.0 >= $GST_REQUIRED ], [ AC_SUBST(GST_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GST_LIBS) ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to install or upgrade the GStreamer development packages on your system. On debian-based systems these are libgstreamer1.0-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev. on RPM-based systems gstreamer1.0-devel, libgstreamer1.0-devel or similar. The minimum version required is $GST_REQUIRED. ]) ]) dnl check if compiler understands -Wall (if yes, add -Wall to GST_CFLAGS) AC_MSG_CHECKING([to see if compiler understands -Wall]) save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([ ], [ ])], [ GST_CFLAGS="$GST_CFLAGS -Wall" AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) ]) dnl set the plugindir where plugins should be installed (for src/Makefile.am) if test "x${prefix}" = "x$HOME"; then plugindir="$HOME/.gstreamer-1.0/plugins" else plugindir="\$(libdir)/gstreamer-1.0" fi AC_SUBST(plugindir) dnl set proper LDFLAGS for plugins GST_PLUGIN_LDFLAGS='-module -avoid-version -export-symbols-regex [_]*\(gst_\|Gst\|GST_\).*' AC_SUBST(GST_PLUGIN_LDFLAGS) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT