8 picoproj - test program for libam7xxx
13 *picoproj* ['OPTIONS']
18 picoproj(1) is a minimal example to show how to use libam7xxx to display
19 a static image; it will not perform any image rescaling or conversion, images
20 larger than the device native resolution can be wrongly displayed.
27 the image file to upload
31 the image format to use (default is JPEG)
38 the verbosity level of libam7xxx output (0-5)
41 the power mode of device, between 0 (off) and 4 (turbo) +
42 WARNING: Level 2 and greater require the master AND
43 the slave connector to be plugged in.
46 the display zoom mode, between 0 (original) and 3 (test)
48 *-W* '<image width>'::
49 the width of the image to upload
51 *-H* '<image height>'::
52 the height of the image to upload
61 picoproj -f file.jpg -F 1 -l 5 -W 800 -H 480
70 Failure (libam7xxx error)
75 Antonio Ospite and Reto Schneider
80 Main web site: <http://git.ao2.it/libam7xxx.git>
85 Copyright \(C) 2012 Antonio Ospite <ospite@studenti.unina.it>
87 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
88 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
89 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
90 (at your option) any later version.