PICOPROJ(1) =========== :doctype: manpage NAME ---- picoproj - test program for libam7xxx SYNOPSIS -------- *picoproj* ['OPTIONS'] DESCRIPTION ----------- picoproj(1) is a minimal example to show how to use libam7xxx to display a static image. OPTIONS ------- *-f* '':: the image file to upload *-F* '':: the image format to use (default is JPEG) + .SUPPORTED FORMATS: * 1 - JPEG * 2 - NV12 *-l* '':: the verbosity level of libam7xxx output (0-5) *-W* '':: the width of the image to upload *-H* '':: the height of the image to upload *-h*:: this help message EXAMPLE OF USE -------------- picoproj -f file.jpg -F 1 -l 5 -W 800 -H 480 EXIT STATUS ----------- *0*:: Success *!0*:: Failure (libam7xxx error) AUTHORS ------- Antonio Ospite and Reto Schneider RESOURCES --------- Main web site: COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2012 Antonio Ospite This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.