-- write a better XSL stylesheet? I am not an XSL expert.
-- evaluate the use of the <ttl/> RSS element.
-- use the <enclosure/> element for pump.io media objects
-- use the <enclosure/> element for images on dilbert.com
-- debug some duplicated entries in the tweeter feeds in liferea
+- write better XSL stylesheets? I am not an XSL expert
+- evaluate the use of the <ttl/> RSS element
+- show cards directly in RSS items for twitter.com
+- show direct links for videos in the Instagram feed
- check the encoding of the tweets when UTF is used,
maybe solvable with mb_convert_encoding()?
See http://php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php
-- add support for Instagram videos
+- The dependencies on the symphony components in composer.json could be more
+ relaxed like ">=2.7.0", but for now sticking to "2.7.*" is good enough.