Since the Tweeper class is supposed to be used as a library don't let
any error be fatal and convert all current uses of E_USER_ERROR into
Also convert the few instances of E_USER_NOTICE into E_USER_WARNING.
Finally, stop using error_log as well in favour of trigger_error which
provides more context in the produced message.
$contents = curl_exec($ch);
if (FALSE === $contents) {
$contents = curl_exec($ch);
if (FALSE === $contents) {
- trigger_error(curl_error($ch));
+ trigger_error(curl_error($ch), E_USER_WARNING);
$ret = curl_exec($ch);
if (FALSE === $ret) {
$ret = curl_exec($ch);
if (FALSE === $ret) {
- trigger_error(curl_error($ch));
+ trigger_error(curl_error($ch), E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
$url_info = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (FALSE === $url_info) {
return FALSE;
$url_info = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (FALSE === $url_info) {
- trigger_error(curl_error($ch));
+ trigger_error(curl_error($ch), E_USER_WARNING);
$url_info = Tweeper::getUrlInfo($url);
if (FALSE === $url_info) {
$url_info = Tweeper::getUrlInfo($url);
if (FALSE === $url_info) {
- error_log("Failed to retrieve info for URL: " . $url);
+ trigger_error("Failed to retrieve info for URL: " . $url, E_USER_WARNING);
return '';
$supported = in_array($url_info['content_type'], $supported_content_types);
if (!$supported) {
return '';
$supported = in_array($url_info['content_type'], $supported_content_types);
if (!$supported) {
- error_log("Unsupported enclosure content type \"" . $url_info['content_type'] . "\" for URL: " . $url_info['url']);
+ trigger_error("Unsupported enclosure content type \"" . $url_info['content_type'] . "\" for URL: " . $url_info['url'], E_USER_WARNING);
$output .= " line $error->line";
$output .= " line $error->line";
+ trigger_error($output, E_USER_WARNING);
$xml_data = $serializer->serialize($data, 'xml', $serializer_options);
if (!$xml_data) {
$xml_data = $serializer->serialize($data, 'xml', $serializer_options);
if (!$xml_data) {
- trigger_error("Cannot serialize data", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("Cannot serialize data", E_USER_WARNING);
$json_match_expr = '/window._sharedData = (.*);/';
$ret = preg_match($json_match_expr, $html, $matches);
if ($ret !== 1) {
$json_match_expr = '/window._sharedData = (.*);/';
$ret = preg_match($json_match_expr, $html, $matches);
if ($ret !== 1) {
- trigger_error("Cannot match expression: $json_match_expr\n", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("Cannot match expression: $json_match_expr\n", E_USER_WARNING);
private function loadStylesheet($host) {
$stylesheet = "file://" . __DIR__ . "/rss_converter_" . $host . ".xsl";
if (FALSE === file_exists($stylesheet)) {
private function loadStylesheet($host) {
$stylesheet = "file://" . __DIR__ . "/rss_converter_" . $host . ".xsl";
if (FALSE === file_exists($stylesheet)) {
- trigger_error("Conversion to RSS not supported for $host ($stylesheet not found)", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("Conversion to RSS not supported for $host ($stylesheet not found)", E_USER_WARNING);
public function tweep($src_url, $host=NULL, $validate_scheme=TRUE) {
$url = parse_url($src_url);
if (FALSE === $url) {
public function tweep($src_url, $host=NULL, $validate_scheme=TRUE) {
$url = parse_url($src_url);
if (FALSE === $url) {
- trigger_error("Invalid URL: $src_url", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("Invalid URL: $src_url", E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
if (TRUE === $validate_scheme) {
$scheme = $url["scheme"];
if (!in_array($scheme, array("http", "https"))) {
return NULL;
if (TRUE === $validate_scheme) {
$scheme = $url["scheme"];
if (!in_array($scheme, array("http", "https"))) {
- trigger_error("unsupported scheme: $scheme", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("unsupported scheme: $scheme", E_USER_WARNING);
// if the host is not given derive it from the URL
if (NULL === $host) {
if (empty($url["host"])) {
// if the host is not given derive it from the URL
if (NULL === $host) {
if (empty($url["host"])) {
- trigger_error("Invalid host in URL: $src_url", E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error("Invalid host in URL: $src_url", E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
// Strip the leading www. to be more forgiving on input URLs.
return NULL;
// Strip the leading www. to be more forgiving on input URLs.
$output = $xsltProcessor->transformToXML($xmlDoc);
if (FALSE === $output) {
$output = $xsltProcessor->transformToXML($xmlDoc);
if (FALSE === $output) {
- trigger_error('XSL transformation failed.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ trigger_error('XSL transformation failed.', E_USER_WARNING);