Tooltip: 'Vector Rendering Method Export Script'
import Blender
from Blender import Scene, Object, Lamp, Camera
from math import *
from Blender.Window import *
from Blender.Scene import Render
-def init():
- print "Init\n"
- renderDir = context.getRenderPath()
# distance from camera Z'
def Distance(PX,PY,PZ):
dist = sqrt(PX*PX+PY*PY+PZ*PZ)
return dist
-def Dodaj(x,y,z):
- print ""
def RotatePoint(PX,PY,PZ,AngleX,AngleY,AngleZ):
NewPoint = []
return NewPoint
+def vetmatmult(v, M):
+ v2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ for j in range(0, 3):
+ v2[i] += (v[i]*M[i][j])
+ return v2
def flatern(vertx, verty, vertz):
cam = Camera.get() # Get the cameras in scene
yres = msize[1] # Y res for output
ratio = xres/yres
+ fov = atan(ratio * 16.0 / Lens) # Get fov stuff
+ dist = xres/2*tan(fov) # Calculate dist from pinhole camera to image plane
- fov = atan(ratio * 16.0 / Lens) # Get fov stuff
- dist = xres/2*tan(fov) # Calculate dist from pinhole camera to image plane
-# calculate x'=dist*x/z & y'=dist*x/z
- screenxy[0]=int(xres/2+4*x*dist/z)
- screenxy[1]=int(yres/2+4*y*dist/z)
+ #----------------------------
+ # calculate x'=dist*x/z & y'=dist*x/z
+ #----------------------------
+ screenxy[0]=int(xres/2.0+4*x*dist/z)
+ screenxy[1]=int(yres/2.0+4*y*dist/z)
return screenxy
-def writesvg(ob):
- for i in range(0, ob[0]+1):
- print ob[i], "\n"
- print "WriteSVG\n"
# Main #
scena = Scene.GetCurrent()
context = scena.getRenderingContext()
-#print dir(context)
-tacka = [0,0,0]
-lice = [3,tacka,tacka,tacka,tacka]
+renderDir = context.getRenderPath()
msize = (context.imageSizeX(), context.imageSizeY())
-print msize
+file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
file.write("<svg width=\"" + `msize[0]` + "\" height=\"" + `msize[1]` + "\"\n")
-file.write("xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.2\" streamable=\"true\">\n")
+file.write("\txmlns=\"\" version=\"1.2\" streamable=\"true\">\n")
Objects = Blender.Object.Get()
startFrm = context.startFrame()
endFrm = startFrm
#endFrm = context.endFrame()
+frames = range(startFrm, endFrm+1)
+# are we rendering an animation ?
+animation = (len(frames) > 1)
camera = scena.getCurrentCamera() # Get the current camera
-for f in range(startFrm, endFrm+1):
- #scena.currentFrame(f)
- Blender.Set('curframe', f)
- DrawProgressBar (f/(endFrm+1-startFrm),"Rendering ..." + str(context.currentFrame()))
- print "Frame: ", f, "\n"
- if startFrm <> endFrm: file.write("<g id=\"Frame" + str(f) + "\" style=\"visibility:hidden\">\n")
- for o in range(NUMobjects):
- if Objects[o].getType() == "Mesh":
- obj = Objects[o] # Get the first selected object
- objname = # The object name
- OBJmesh = obj.getData() # Get the mesh data for the object
- numfaces=len(OBJmesh.faces) # The number of faces in the object
- numEachVert=len(OBJmesh.faces[0]) # The number of verts in each face
- #------------
- # Get the Material Colors
- #------------
-# MATinfo = OBJmesh.getMaterials()
-# if len(MATinfo) > 0:
-# RGB=MATinfo[0].rgbCol
-# R=int(RGB[0]*255)
-# G=int(RGB[1]*255)
-# B=int(RGB[2]*255)
-# color=`R`+"."+`G`+"."+`B`
-# print color
-# else:
-# color="100.100.100"
- objekat = []
- objekat.append(0)
- for face in range(numfaces):
- numvert = len(OBJmesh.faces[face])
- objekat.append(numvert)
- objekat[0] += 1
-# backface cutting
- a = []
- a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][0])
- a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][1])
- a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][2])
- a = RotatePoint(a[0], a[1], a[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
- a[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
- a[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
- a[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
- b = []
- b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][0])
- b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][1])
- b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][2])
- b = RotatePoint(b[0], b[1], b[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
- b[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
- b[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
- b[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
- c = []
- c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][0])
- c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][1])
- c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][2])
- c = RotatePoint(c[0], c[1], c[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
- c[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
- c[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
- c[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
- norm = [0,0,0]
- norm[0] = (b[1] - a[1])*(c[2] - a[2]) - (c[1] - a[1])*(b[2] - a[2])
- norm[1] = -((b[0] - a[0])*(c[2] - a[2]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[2] - a[2]))
- norm[2] = (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[1] - a[1])
- d = norm[0]*a[0] + norm[1]*a[1] + norm[2]*a[2]
- if d < 0:
- file.write("<polygon points=\"")
- for vert in range(numvert):
- objekat[0] += 3
- vertxyz = []
- if vert != 0: file.write(", ")
- vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][0])
- vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][1])
- vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][2])
-# rotate object
- vertxyz = RotatePoint(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
- vertxyz[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
- vertxyz[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
- vertxyz[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
-# rotate camera
- vertxyz = RotatePoint(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2], -camera.RotX, -camera.RotY, -camera.RotZ)
- objekat.append(Distance(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2]))
-# dist = Distance(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2])
- xy = flatern(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2])
- px = int(xy[0])
- py = int(xy[1])
- objekat.append(px)
- objekat.append(py)
- # add/sorting in Z' direction
- #Dodaj(px,py,Distance(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2]))
- file.write(`px` + ", " + `py`)
- ambient = -200
- svetlo = [1,1,-1]
- vektori = (norm[0]*svetlo[0]+norm[1]*svetlo[1]+norm[2]*svetlo[2])
- vduzine = fabs(sqrt(pow(norm[0],2)+pow(norm[1],2)+pow(norm[2],2))*sqrt(pow(svetlo[0],2)+pow(svetlo[1],2)+pow(svetlo[2],2)))
- intensity = floor(ambient + 255 * acos(vektori/vduzine))
- print vektori/vduzine
- if intensity < 0: intensity = 0
- file.write("\"\n style=\"fill:rgb("+str(intensity)+","+str(intensity)+","+str(intensity)+");stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1\"/>\n")
- if startFrm <> endFrm:
- file.write("<animate attributeName=\"visibility\" begin=\""+str(f*0.08)+"s\" dur=\"0.08s\" fill=\"remove\" to=\"visible\">\n")
- file.write("</animate>\n")
- file.write("</g>\n")
+for f in frames:
+ context.currentFrame(f)
+ Blender.Set('curframe', f)
+ DrawProgressBar (f/len(frames),"Rendering ..." + str(f))
+ print "Frame: ", f, "\n"
+ if animation :
+ file.write("<g id=\"Frame" + str(f) + "\" style=\"visibility:hidden\">\n")
+ for o in Objects:
+ if o.getType() == "Mesh":
+ obj = o # Get the first selected object
+ objname = # The object name
+ OBJmesh = obj.getData() # Get the mesh data for the object
+ meshfaces = OBJmesh.faces # The number of faces in the object
+ #------------
+ # Get the Material Colors
+ #------------
+ #MATinfo = OBJmesh.getMaterials()
+ #
+ #if len(MATinfo) > 0:
+ # RGB=MATinfo[0].rgbCol
+ # R=int(RGB[0]*255)
+ # G=int(RGB[1]*255)
+ # B=int(RGB[2]*255)
+ # color=`R`+"."+`G`+"."+`B`
+ # print color
+ #else:
+ # color="100.100.100"
+ for face in range(0, len(meshfaces)):
+ numvert = len(OBJmesh.faces[face])
+ #if (isVisible(face)):
+ # print "face visible"
+ # backface culling
+ a = []
+ a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][0])
+ a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][1])
+ a.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][0][2])
+ a = RotatePoint(a[0], a[1], a[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
+ a[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
+ a[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
+ a[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
+ b = []
+ b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][0])
+ b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][1])
+ b.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][1][2])
+ b = RotatePoint(b[0], b[1], b[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
+ b[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
+ b[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
+ b[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
+ c = []
+ c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][0])
+ c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][1])
+ c.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][numvert-1][2])
+ c = RotatePoint(c[0], c[1], c[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
+ c[0] += obj.LocX - camera.LocX
+ c[1] += obj.LocY - camera.LocY
+ c[2] += obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ
+ norm = [0,0,0]
+ norm[0] = (b[1] - a[1])*(c[2] - a[2]) - (c[1] - a[1])*(b[2] - a[2])
+ norm[1] = -((b[0] - a[0])*(c[2] - a[2]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[2] - a[2]))
+ norm[2] = (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[1] - a[1])
+ d = norm[0]*a[0] + norm[1]*a[1] + norm[2]*a[2]
+ # if the face is visible flatten it on the "picture plane"
+ if d < 0:
+ file.write("<polygon points=\"")
+ for vert in range(numvert):
+ vertxyz = []
+ if vert != 0: file.write(", ")
+ vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][0])
+ vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][1])
+ vertxyz.append(OBJmesh.faces[face][vert][2])
+ # rotate object
+ vertxyz = RotatePoint(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2], obj.RotX, obj.RotY, obj.RotZ)
+ # original setting for translate
+ vertxyz[0] += (obj.LocX - camera.LocX)
+ vertxyz[1] += (obj.LocY - camera.LocY)
+ vertxyz[2] += (obj.LocZ - camera.LocZ)
+ # rotate camera
+ vertxyz = RotatePoint(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2], -camera.RotX, -camera.RotY, -camera.RotZ)
+ #dist = Distance(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2])
+ xy = flatern(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2])
+ px = int(xy[0])
+ py = int(xy[1])
+ # add/sorting in Z' direction
+ #Dodaj(px,py,Distance(vertxyz[0], vertxyz[1], vertxyz[2]))
+ file.write(`px` + ", " + `py`)
+ # per face color calculation
+ ambient = -200
+ #svetlo = [1, 1, -1] #original
+ svetlo = [1, 1, -0.3]
+ vektori = (norm[0]*svetlo[0]+norm[1]*svetlo[1]+norm[2]*svetlo[2])
+ vduzine = fabs(sqrt(pow(norm[0],2)+pow(norm[1],2)+pow(norm[2],2))*sqrt(pow(svetlo[0],2)+pow(svetlo[1],2)+pow(svetlo[2],2)))
+ intensity = floor(ambient + 255 * acos(vektori/vduzine))
+ if intensity < 0:
+ intensity = 0
+ wireframe = True
+ if wireframe:
+ stroke_width=1
+ else:
+ stroke_width=0
+ file.write("\"\n style=\"fill:rgb("+str(intensity)+","+str(intensity)+","+str(intensity)+");stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:"+str(stroke_width)+"\"/>\n")
+ if animation:
+ file.write("<animate attributeName=\"visibility\" begin=\""+str(f*0.08)+"s\" dur=\"0.08s\" fill=\"remove\" to=\"visible\">\n")
+ file.write("</animate>\n")
+ file.write("</g>\n")
-print file
DrawProgressBar (1.0,"Finished.")
print "Finished\n"