+ #opacity_string = "opacity: %g;" % (opacity)
+ self.file.write("\tstyle=\"fill:" + str_col + ";")
+ self.file.write(opacity_string)
+ # use the stroke property to alleviate the "adjacent edges" problem,
+ # we simulate polygon expansion using borders,
+ # see http://www.antigrain.com/svg/index.html for more info
+ stroke_width = 1.0
+ # EXPANSION TRICK is not that useful where there is transparency
+ if config.polygons['EXPANSION_TRICK'] and color[3] == 255:
+ # str_col = "#000000" # For debug
+ self.file.write(" stroke:%s;\n" % str_col)
+ self.file.write(" stroke-width:" + str(stroke_width) + ";\n")
+ self.file.write(" stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round")
+ self.file.write("\"/>\n")
+ self.file.write("</g>\n")
+ def _printEdges(self, mesh, showHiddenEdges=False):
+ """Print the wireframe using mesh edges.
+ """
+ stroke_width = config.edges['WIDTH']
+ stroke_col = config.edges['COLOR']
+ self.file.write("<g>\n")
+ for e in mesh.edges:
+ hidden_stroke_style = ""
+ if e.sel == 0:
+ if showHiddenEdges == False:
+ continue
+ else:
+ hidden_stroke_style = ";\n stroke-dasharray:3, 3"
+ p1 = self._calcCanvasCoord(e.v1)
+ p2 = self._calcCanvasCoord(e.v2)
+ self.file.write("<line x1=\"%g\" y1=\"%g\" x2=\"%g\" y2=\"%g\"\n"
+ % ( p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1] ) )
+ self.file.write(" style=\"stroke:rgb("+str(stroke_col[0])+","+str(stroke_col[1])+","+str(stroke_col[2])+");")
+ self.file.write(" stroke-width:"+str(stroke_width)+";\n")
+ self.file.write(" stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round")
+ self.file.write(hidden_stroke_style)
+ self.file.write("\"/>\n")
+ self.file.write("</g>\n")
+## SWF Writer
+ from ming import *
+ SWFSupported = True
+ SWFSupported = False
+class SWFVectorWriter(VectorWriter):
+ """A concrete class for writing SWF output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fileName):
+ """Simply call the parent Contructor.
+ """
+ VectorWriter.__init__(self, fileName)
+ self.movie = None
+ self.sprite = None
+ ##
+ # Public Methods
+ #
+ def open(self, startFrame=1, endFrame=1):
+ """Do some initialization operations.
+ """
+ VectorWriter.open(self, startFrame, endFrame)
+ self.movie = SWFMovie()
+ self.movie.setDimension(self.canvasSize[0], self.canvasSize[1])
+ if self.animation:
+ self.movie.setRate(self.fps)
+ numframes = endFrame - startFrame + 1
+ self.movie.setFrames(numframes)
+ def close(self):
+ """Do some finalization operation.
+ """
+ self.movie.save(self.outputFileName)
+ # remember to call the close method of the parent
+ VectorWriter.close(self)
+ def printCanvas(self, scene, doPrintPolygons=True, doPrintEdges=False,
+ showHiddenEdges=False):
+ """Convert the scene representation to SVG.
+ """
+ context = scene.getRenderingContext()
+ framenumber = context.currentFrame()
+ Objects = scene.getChildren()
+ if self.sprite:
+ self.movie.remove(self.sprite)
+ sprite = SWFSprite()
+ for obj in Objects:
+ if(obj.getType() != 'Mesh'):
+ continue
+ mesh = obj.getData(mesh=1)
+ if doPrintPolygons:
+ self._printPolygons(mesh, sprite)
+ if doPrintEdges:
+ self._printEdges(mesh, sprite, showHiddenEdges)
+ sprite.nextFrame()
+ i = self.movie.add(sprite)
+ # Remove the instance the next time
+ self.sprite = i
+ if self.animation:
+ self.movie.nextFrame()
+ ##
+ # Private Methods
+ #
+ def _calcCanvasCoord(self, v):
+ """Convert vertex in scene coordinates to canvas coordinates.
+ """
+ pt = Vector([0, 0, 0])
+ mW = float(self.canvasSize[0])/2.0
+ mH = float(self.canvasSize[1])/2.0
+ # rescale to canvas size
+ pt[0] = v.co[0]*mW + mW
+ pt[1] = v.co[1]*mH + mH
+ pt[2] = v.co[2]
+ # For now we want (0,0) in the top-left corner of the canvas.
+ # Mirror and translate along y
+ pt[1] *= -1
+ pt[1] += self.canvasSize[1]
+ return pt
+ def _printPolygons(self, mesh, sprite):
+ """Print the selected (visible) polygons.
+ """
+ if len(mesh.faces) == 0:
+ return
+ for face in mesh.faces:
+ if not face.sel:
+ continue
+ if face.col:
+ fcol = face.col[0]
+ color = [fcol.r, fcol.g, fcol.b, fcol.a]
+ else:
+ color = [255, 255, 255, 255]
+ s = SWFShape()
+ f = s.addFill(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
+ s.setRightFill(f)
+ # The starting point of the shape
+ p0 = self._calcCanvasCoord(face.verts[0])
+ s.movePenTo(p0[0], p0[1])
+ for v in face.verts[1:]:
+ p = self._calcCanvasCoord(v)
+ s.drawLineTo(p[0], p[1])
+ # Closing the shape
+ s.drawLineTo(p0[0], p0[1])
+ s.end()
+ sprite.add(s)
+ def _printEdges(self, mesh, sprite, showHiddenEdges=False):
+ """Print the wireframe using mesh edges.
+ """
+ stroke_width = config.edges['WIDTH']
+ stroke_col = config.edges['COLOR']
+ s = SWFShape()
+ for e in mesh.edges:
+ # Next, we set the line width and color for our shape.
+ s.setLine(stroke_width, stroke_col[0], stroke_col[1], stroke_col[2],
+ 255)
+ if e.sel == 0:
+ if showHiddenEdges == False:
+ continue
+ else:
+ # SWF does not support dashed lines natively, so -for now-
+ # draw hidden lines thinner and half-trasparent
+ s.setLine(stroke_width/2, stroke_col[0], stroke_col[1],
+ stroke_col[2], 128)
+ p1 = self._calcCanvasCoord(e.v1)
+ p2 = self._calcCanvasCoord(e.v2)
+ # FIXME: this is just a qorkaround, remove that after the
+ # implementation of propoer Viewport clipping
+ if abs(p1[0]) < 3000 and abs(p2[0]) < 3000 and abs(p1[1]) < 3000 and abs(p1[2]) < 3000:
+ s.movePenTo(p1[0], p1[1])
+ s.drawLineTo(p2[0], p2[1])
+ s.end()
+ sprite.add(s)
+## PDF Writer
+ from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
+ PDFSupported = True
+ PDFSupported = False
+class PDFVectorWriter(VectorWriter):
+ """A concrete class for writing PDF output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fileName):
+ """Simply call the parent Contructor.
+ """
+ VectorWriter.__init__(self, fileName)
+ self.canvas = None
+ ##
+ # Public Methods
+ #
+ def open(self, startFrame=1, endFrame=1):
+ """Do some initialization operations.
+ """
+ VectorWriter.open(self, startFrame, endFrame)
+ size = (self.canvasSize[0], self.canvasSize[1])
+ self.canvas = canvas.Canvas(self.outputFileName, pagesize=size, bottomup=0)
+ def close(self):
+ """Do some finalization operation.
+ """
+ self.canvas.save()
+ # remember to call the close method of the parent
+ VectorWriter.close(self)
+ def printCanvas(self, scene, doPrintPolygons=True, doPrintEdges=False,
+ showHiddenEdges=False):
+ """Convert the scene representation to SVG.
+ """
+ context = scene.getRenderingContext()
+ framenumber = context.currentFrame()
+ Objects = scene.getChildren()
+ for obj in Objects:
+ if(obj.getType() != 'Mesh'):
+ continue
+ mesh = obj.getData(mesh=1)
+ if doPrintPolygons:
+ self._printPolygons(mesh)
+ if doPrintEdges:
+ self._printEdges(mesh, showHiddenEdges)
+ self.canvas.showPage()
+ ##
+ # Private Methods
+ #
+ def _calcCanvasCoord(self, v):
+ """Convert vertex in scene coordinates to canvas coordinates.
+ """
+ pt = Vector([0, 0, 0])
+ mW = float(self.canvasSize[0])/2.0
+ mH = float(self.canvasSize[1])/2.0
+ # rescale to canvas size
+ pt[0] = v.co[0]*mW + mW
+ pt[1] = v.co[1]*mH + mH
+ pt[2] = v.co[2]
+ # For now we want (0,0) in the top-left corner of the canvas.
+ # Mirror and translate along y
+ pt[1] *= -1
+ pt[1] += self.canvasSize[1]
+ return pt
+ def _printPolygons(self, mesh):
+ """Print the selected (visible) polygons.
+ """
+ if len(mesh.faces) == 0:
+ return
+ for face in mesh.faces:
+ if not face.sel:
+ continue
+ if face.col:
+ fcol = face.col[0]
+ color = [fcol.r/255.0, fcol.g/255.0, fcol.b/255.0,
+ fcol.a/255.0]
+ else:
+ color = [1, 1, 1, 1]
+ self.canvas.setFillColorRGB(color[0], color[1], color[2])
+ # For debug
+ self.canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
+ path = self.canvas.beginPath()
+ # The starting point of the path
+ p0 = self._calcCanvasCoord(face.verts[0])
+ path.moveTo(p0[0], p0[1])