xicursorset is a tool to set the cursor image for an XInput2 pointer. The first argument to pass is a pointer id, you can get it by running 'xinput list' and analyzing its output. You need to specify an image name supplied by the theme you are using, and you can optionally pass a cursor theme name to pick up the image from it. Examples of use: Get the possible pointer ids with xinput: $ xinput list | grep "master pointer" ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] ⎡ Extra pointer id=13 [master pointer (14)] Set the cursor with id=13 to the 'left_ptr' image from the 'redglass' theme $ ./xicursorset 13 left_ptr redglass Set the cursor with id=2 to the 'right_ptr' image from the 'whiteglass' theme $ ./xicursorset 2 right_ptr whiteglass Set the cursor with id=2 to the 'left_ptr' image from the default theme $ ./xicursorset 2 left_ptr NOTE: the "redglass" and "whiteglass" cursor themes are sometimes provided in a separate package called "xcursor-themes". Dependencies: - pkg-config - libxcursor-dev - libxi-dev