#set terminal pngcairo notransparent nocrop truecolor rounded enhanced font "Georgia,14" fontscale 1.0 size _w,_h
#set output 'symbols_distances.png'
-set multiplot layout 2, 1 title "Relative symbol distances (receiver)" font "Georgia,14"
+my_title = "Relative symbol distances (receiver)\n" . \
+ sprintf("min call setup time %.2f s\n", call_setup_time_min) . \
+ sprintf("max call setup time %.2f s\n", call_setup_time_max) . \
+ sprintf("fixed inter call distance %.2f s\n", inter_call_distance)
+set multiplot layout 2, 1 title my_title font "Georgia,14"
first_call_time = call_setup_time_max
second_call_time = call_setup_time_min
-set title "Minimum call distance"
+set title "Minimum distance between the first rings of two calls"
plot \
symbols_distances_data using (0):(0):(call_position):(call_position + call_time($16)):(0):(symbol_bar_height($0)):0 with boxxy \
fs solid noborder lc palette notitle, \
- symbols_distances_data using ($20):(0.53):(get_val(strcol(22)) - $20):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 1 title 'receiver symbol interval', \
+ symbols_distances_data using ($20):(0.53):(get_val(strcol(22)) - $20):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 1 title 'receiver symbol window', \
symbols_distances_data using ($20):(0):(0):(0.55) with vectors arrowstyle 2 notitle, \
symbols_distances_data using ($20 + symbol_distance / 2):(0.55):(strcol(11)) with labels font "Courier,12" notitle, \
first_call_time = call_setup_time_min
second_call_time = call_setup_time_max
-set title "Maximum call distance"
+set title "Maximum distance between the first rings of two calls"
unset multiplot