('drawable-mdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 1.0), # 4/4
('drawable-hdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 1.5), # 6/4
('drawable-xhdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 2.0), # 8/4
- ]
# for baseline hdpi consider 6 as the base ratio
densities_baseline_hdpi = [
('drawable-mdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 0.666666667), # 4/6
('drawable-hdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 1.0), # 6/6
('drawable-xhdpi', BASELINE_DPI * 1.333333333), # 8/6
- ]
def export_file(file_name):
target = os.path.join(res_path, name_without_ext + '.png')
command_list = [args.ink_path, '--export-area-page',
- '-f', source_file,
- '--export-png', target,
- '--export-dpi', str(dpi)]
+ '-f', source_file,
+ '--export-png', target,
+ '--export-dpi', str(dpi)]
command = " ".join(command_list)
usage = "usage: %(prog)s [options]"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage,
- description=__description,
- epilog=__author_info,
- version='%(prog)s ' + __version,)
+ description=__description,
+ epilog=__author_info,
+ version='%(prog)s ' + __version,)
parser.add_argument('-R', '--res_folder', metavar="<dir>",
- dest='res_folder', required=True,
- help='path to the project res folder')
+ dest='res_folder', required=True,
+ help='path to the project res folder')
parser.add_argument('-S', '--svg_folder', metavar="<dir>",
- dest='svg_folder', default='.',
- help='folder that contains all the svg files to be converted')
+ dest='svg_folder', default='.',
+ help='folder that contains all the svg files to be converted')
parser.add_argument('-I', '--inkscape_path', metavar="<inkscape_path>",
- dest='ink_path', default='inkscape',
- help='path of Inkscape executable')
+ dest='ink_path', default='inkscape',
+ help='path of Inkscape executable')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--baseline-density', metavar="<mdpi|hdpi>",
- dest='baseline_density', choices=['mdpi', 'hdpi'], default='mdpi',
- help='the baseline density to generate the drawables from')
+ dest='baseline_density', choices=['mdpi', 'hdpi'], default='mdpi',
+ help='the baseline density to generate the drawables from')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--dry_run',
- dest='dry', action='store_const', const=True,
- help='performs a dry run')
+ dest='dry', action='store_const', const=True,
+ help='performs a dry run')
parser.add_argument('-F', '--single_file', metavar="<file>",
- dest='file_name',
- help='name of the file, if only one file is to be converted')
+ dest='file_name',
+ help='name of the file, if only one file is to be converted')
return parser