+# Make sure that drush knows what the actual base URI is, this is needed to
+# have a consistent behavior between the cli and the web interface, for
+# example in the case of modules that use base_path().
+if grep -q "^[[:space:]]*uri:" drush/drush.yml;
+ sed -i -e "s@^\([[:space:]]*\)uri: .*@\1uri: 'http://localhost/${SITE_BASE_PATH}'@g" drush/drush.yml
+ echo "" >> drush/drush.yml
+ echo "options:" >> drush/drush.yml
+ echo " uri: 'http://localhost/${SITE_BASE_PATH}'" >> drush/drush.yml
pushd "$WEB_ROOT"
# Update the install_profile setting if it's already there
chmod 555 sites/default
-# Make sure that drush knows what the actual base URI is, this is needed to
-# have a consistent behavior between the cli and the web interface, for
-# example in the case of modules that use base_path().
-chmod 755 sites/default
-if [ ! -e sites/default/drushrc.php ];
- echo "<?php" > sites/default/drushrc.php
- echo "" >> sites/default/drushrc.php
-if grep -q "^\\\$options\['uri'\] =" sites/default/drushrc.php;
- sed -i -e "s@^\(\$options\['uri'\]\) = '[^']*';@\1 = 'http://localhost/${SITE_BASE_PATH}';@g" sites/default/drushrc.php
- echo "\$options['uri'] = 'http://localhost/${SITE_BASE_PATH}';" >> sites/default/drushrc.php
-chmod 444 sites/default/drushrc.php
-chmod 555 sites/default
# Install the site
$DRUSH --verbose --yes \
site-install \