Do not just grep on "$ENABLED_MODULES" which is a comma-separated list
on which is harder to match for the exact module name.
Use instead the output of pm-list which has one module name for each
line, this way it is easier to match for the exact name of
"default_content" and avoid picking up other modules which may contain
the string "default_content" in their names.
#fdupes -f -1 "${WEB_ROOT}/core/profiles/standard/config/install/" "${PROFILE_DEST_DIR}/config/install/" | xargs rm
# Export the default content if the default_content module is there
-if echo "$ENABLED_MODULES" | grep -q default_content;
+if $DRUSH pm-list --type=module --field=name --status=enabled --pipe | grep -q "^default_content$";
$DRUSH default-content-export-references --folder="${PROFILE_DEST_DIR}/content" node