+# Change the second argument of "addOption" to null.
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Antonio Ospite <ao2@ao2.it>
+set -e
+set -x
+[ "x$1" = "x" ] && { echo "usage: $(basename $0) <drupal-console-dir>" 2>&1; exit 1; }
+echo "This will loose all unstaged changes, Continue?"
+read response
+case $response in
+ y|Y|yes|YES) ;;
+ *) echo "Aborting" 2>&1; exit 1; ;;
+rm -f "$LOG_FILE"
+git -C "$DRUPAL_CONSOLE_DIR" checkout .
+git -C "$DRUPAL_CONSOLE_DIR" grep -l addOption |
+while read file;
+ PARSED_FILE="$(echo "$file" | sed -e 's/\//_/g')"
+ # Do a first conversion with php-parser, this looses the original
+ # formatting, but it's robust because it uses an actual parser, so the
+ # result can be used to validate the sed solution below.
+ php addOption-null-shortname-php-parse.php "$SRC_FILE" > "${PHP_PARSER_RESULTS_DIR}/${PARSED_FILE}"
+ # The sed expression does this:
+ # - look for addOption;
+ # - append the next two lines to the pattern space (N;N;), to cover the case
+ # when the arguments on different lines;
+ # - separate the arguments, but also consider what the characters after the
+ # first comma are, sometimes there is a space and sometimes there is
+ # a newline with the indentation following, and we want to keep those as
+ # they were.
+ # - if it's false or an empty string, replace the second argument which
+ # would be in \3, with null
+ # - keep everything else as it was.
+ #
+ # The sed commands after the substitution tell to go on (N;N;) if there is
+ # no substitution (t) and to print and delete the pattern (P;D;) when
+ # a substitution succeed.
+ #
+ # This covers the case when another pattern is in the three lines which are
+ # being analyzed, e.g:
+ #
+ # ->addOption('quick', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.quick'))
+ # ->addOption('debug', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.debug'))
+ # ->addOption('html', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.html'))
+ # ->addOption('xml', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.xml'))
+ # ->addOption('raw', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.raw'))
+ # ->addOption('vertical', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.vertical'))
+ # ->addOption('batch', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, $this->trans('commands.database.query.options.batch'))
+ #
+ # See also https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26284
+ sed -e "/addOption/{N;N;s/addOption(\([^,]*\),\([ \n]*\)\(''\|false\),\(.*\)/addOption(\1,\2null,\4/;ty;N;N;:y;P;D}" -i "$SRC_FILE"
+ # Pretty print with php-parse the files converted with sed, so that they can be compared
+ # with the ones converted with addOption-null-shortname-php-parse.php from above.
+ php-parse -p "$SRC_FILE" | grep -v "^==" > "${PHP_PARSER_RESULTS_DIR}/${PARSED_FILE}.sed"
+ # And print a report of the difference between the two conversion, if the
+ # sed command is correct there should be no difference at all.
+ echo "$file" >> "$LOG_FILE"
+ echo >> "$LOG_FILE"
+ echo >> "$LOG_FILE"