Pass fill_color=None when drawing the template to make it only
a wireframe reference, as it is done for the hexaflexagon case.
This also makes the result more usable as the user is able to view the
content layers more clearly without filled squares on top.
side = self.tile_side
color = self.squares_color_map[tile.square.index]
side = self.tile_side
color = self.squares_color_map[tile.square.index]
- self.backend.draw_rect_from_center(cx, cy, side, side, theta, color)
+ self.backend.draw_rect_from_center(cx, cy, side, side, theta,
+ stroke_color=color,
+ fill_color=None)
corners_labels = "ABC"
corner_text = corners_labels[tile.square.index] + str(tile.index + 1)
corners_labels = "ABC"
corner_text = corners_labels[tile.square.index] + str(tile.index + 1)