3 # smooth-dl - download videos served using Smooth Streaming technology
5 # Copyright (C) 2010 Antonio Ospite <ospite@studenti.unina.it>
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 # - Handle HTTP errors:
23 # "Connection reset by peer"
24 # "Resource not available"
26 # - Support more Manifest formats:
27 # WaveFormatEx attribute instead of PrivateCodecdata
28 # 'd' and other attributes in chunk element ('i', 's', 'q')
30 # basically, write a proper implementation of manifest parsing and chunk
34 __description = "Download videos served using Smooth Streaming technology"
36 __author_info = "Written by Antonio Ospite http://ao2.it"
41 import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
45 from optparse import OptionParser
46 from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
49 def get_chunk_data(data):
51 moof_size = struct.unpack(">L", data[0:4])[0]
52 mdat_size = struct.unpack(">L", data[moof_size:moof_size + 4])[0]
54 data_start = moof_size + 4 + len('mdat')
55 data_size = mdat_size - 4 - len('mdat')
57 #print len(data[data_start:]), \
58 # len(data[data_start:data_start + data_size]), data_size
60 assert(len(data[data_start:]) == data_size)
62 return data[data_start:data_start + data_size]
65 def hexstring_to_bytes(hex_string):
67 for i in range(0, len(hex_string), 2):
68 res += chr(int(hex_string[i:i + 2], 16))
73 def write_wav_header(out_file, fmt, codec_private_data, data_len):
75 extradata = hexstring_to_bytes(codec_private_data)
77 fmt['cbSize'] = len(extradata)
78 fmt_len = 18 + fmt['cbSize']
79 wave_len = len("WAVEfmt ") + 4 + fmt_len + len('data') + 4
81 out_file.write("RIFF")
82 out_file.write(struct.pack('<L', wave_len))
83 out_file.write("WAVEfmt ")
84 out_file.write(struct.pack('<L', fmt_len))
85 out_file.write(struct.pack('<H', fmt['wFormatTag']))
86 out_file.write(struct.pack('<H', fmt['nChannels']))
87 out_file.write(struct.pack('<L', fmt['nSamplesPerSec']))
88 out_file.write(struct.pack('<L', fmt['nAvgBytesPerSec']))
89 out_file.write(struct.pack('<H', fmt['nBlockAlign']))
90 out_file.write(struct.pack('<H', fmt['wBitsPerSample']))
91 out_file.write(struct.pack('<H', fmt['cbSize']))
92 out_file.write(extradata)
93 out_file.write("data")
94 out_file.write(struct.pack('<L', data_len))
97 def get_manifest(url, dest_dir=tempfile.gettempdir()):
98 """Returns the manifest and the new URL if this is changed"""
100 if os.path.exists(dest_dir) == False:
101 os.mkdir(dest_dir, 0755)
103 # Remove the querystring if present
104 manifest_url = urlunparse(urlparse(url)._replace(query=''))
106 if not manifest_url.lower().endswith(('/manifest', '.ismc', '.csm')):
107 manifest_url += '/Manifest'
109 if manifest_url.startswith('http://'):
111 response = urllib2.urlopen(manifest_url)
112 data = response.read()
114 local_manifest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'Manifest')
116 f = open(local_manifest_path, "w")
120 local_manifest_path = url
122 manifest = etree.parse(local_manifest_path)
124 version = manifest.getroot().attrib['MajorVersion']
126 raise Exception('Only Smooth Streaming version 2 supported')
129 # if some intermediate client Manifest is used, like in Rai Replay
130 clip = manifest.find("Clip")
131 manifest_url = clip.attrib["Url"]
135 manifest_pattern = re.compile("/manifest$", re.IGNORECASE)
136 base_url = manifest_pattern.sub("", manifest_url)
138 return (manifest, base_url)
141 def print_manifest_info(manifest):
143 streams = manifest.findall('.//StreamIndex')
145 for i, s in enumerate(streams):
146 stream_type = s.attrib["Type"]
147 url = s.attrib["Url"]
149 print "Stream: %s Type: %s" % (i, stream_type)
151 print "\tQuality Levels:"
152 qualities = s.findall("QualityLevel")
153 for i, q in enumerate(qualities):
154 bitrate = q.attrib["Bitrate"]
155 fourcc = q.attrib["FourCC"]
157 if stream_type == "video":
158 size = "%sx%s" % (q.attrib["MaxWidth"], q.attrib["MaxHeight"])
159 print "\t%2s: %4s %10s @ %7s bps" % (i, fourcc, size, bitrate)
160 if stream_type == "audio":
161 channels = q.attrib["Channels"]
162 sampling_rate = q.attrib["SamplingRate"]
163 bits_per_sample = q.attrib["BitsPerSample"]
164 print "\t%2s: %4s %sHz %sbits %sch @ %7s bps" % (i, fourcc,
165 sampling_rate, bits_per_sample, channels, bitrate)
170 def get_chunk_quality_string(stream, quality_level):
171 quality = stream.findall("QualityLevel")[quality_level]
172 bitrate = quality.attrib["Bitrate"]
174 quality_attributes = quality.findall("CustomAttributes/Attribute")
175 custom_attributes = ""
176 for i in quality_attributes:
177 custom_attributes += "%s=%s," % (i.attrib["Name"], i.attrib["Value"])
178 custom_attributes = custom_attributes.rstrip(',')
180 # Assume URLs are in this form:
181 # Url="QualityLevels({bitrate})/Fragments(video={start time})"
183 # Url="QualityLevels({bitrate},{CustomAttributes})/Fragments(video={start time})"
184 url = stream.attrib["Url"]
186 chunks_quality = url.split('/')[0].replace("{bitrate}", bitrate)
187 chunks_quality = chunks_quality.replace("{CustomAttributes}", custom_attributes)
189 return chunks_quality
192 def get_chunk_name_string(stream, chunk):
193 t = chunk.attrib["t"]
194 url = stream.attrib["Url"]
195 chunk_name = url.split('/')[1].replace("{start time}", t)
200 def download_chunks(base_url, manifest, stream_index, quality_level, dest_dir):
202 if os.path.exists(dest_dir) == False:
203 os.mkdir(dest_dir, 0755)
205 stream = manifest.findall('.//StreamIndex')[stream_index]
207 chunks_quality = get_chunk_quality_string(stream, quality_level)
209 chunks_dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, chunks_quality)
210 if os.path.exists(chunks_dest_dir) == False:
211 os.mkdir(chunks_dest_dir, 0755)
213 chunks = stream.findall("c")
215 print "\nDownloading Stream %d" % stream_index
216 print "\tChunks %10d/%-10d" % (0, len(chunks)), "\r",
218 for i, c in enumerate(chunks):
220 chunk_name = get_chunk_name_string(stream, c)
221 chunk_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, chunks_quality, chunk_name)
223 if os.path.exists(chunk_file) == False:
224 chunk_url = base_url + '/' + chunks_quality + '/' + chunk_name
226 response = urllib2.urlopen(chunk_url)
227 data = response.read()
229 f = open(chunk_file, "wb")
232 except Exception as e:
236 f = open(chunk_file, "rb")
240 data_size += len(data)
241 print "\tChunks %10d/%-10d" % (i + 1, len(chunks)), "\r",
243 print "\tDownloaded size:", data_size
246 def rebuild_stream(manifest, stream_index, quality_level, src_dir,
247 dest_file_name, final_dest_file=None):
249 if final_dest_file == None:
250 final_dest_file = dest_file_name
252 stream = manifest.findall('.//StreamIndex')[stream_index]
254 chunks_quality = get_chunk_quality_string(stream, quality_level)
256 chunks_src_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, chunks_quality)
258 dest_file = open(dest_file_name, "wb")
260 chunks = stream.findall("c")
262 print "\nRebuilding Stream %d" % stream_index
263 print "\tChunks %10d/%-10d" % (0, len(chunks)), "\r",
265 for i, c in enumerate(chunks):
267 chunk_name = get_chunk_name_string(stream, c)
268 chunk_file = os.path.join(chunks_src_dir, chunk_name)
270 f = open(chunk_file, "rb")
271 data = get_chunk_data(f.read())
273 dest_file.write(data)
274 data_size += len(data)
275 print "\tChunks %10d/%-10d" % (i + 1, len(chunks)), "\r",
278 # Add a nice WAV header
279 if stream.attrib['Type'] == "audio":
280 quality = stream.findall("QualityLevel")[quality_level]
281 codec_private_data = quality.attrib['CodecPrivateData']
284 fmt['wFormatTag'] = int(quality.attrib['AudioTag'])
285 fmt['nChannels'] = int(quality.attrib['Channels'])
286 fmt['nSamplesPerSec'] = int(quality.attrib['SamplingRate'])
287 fmt['nAvgBytesPerSec'] = int(quality.attrib['Bitrate']) / 8
288 fmt['wBitsPerSample'] = int(quality.attrib['BitsPerSample'])
289 fmt['nBlockAlign'] = int(quality.attrib['PacketSize'])
292 f = open(final_dest_file, "wb")
293 write_wav_header(f, fmt, codec_private_data, data_size)
295 dest_file = open(dest_file_name, "rb")
296 f.write(dest_file.read())
301 print "Stream %d, actual data size: %d\n" % (stream_index, data_size)
304 def calc_tracks_delay(manifest, stream1_index, stream2_index):
305 streams = manifest.findall('.//StreamIndex')
307 s1 = streams[stream1_index]
308 s2 = streams[stream2_index]
310 s1_start_chunk = s1.find("c")
311 s2_start_chunk = s2.find("c")
313 s1_start_time = int(s1_start_chunk.attrib['t'])
314 s2_start_time = int(s2_start_chunk.attrib['t'])
316 s1_timescale = float(s1.attrib['TimeScale'])
317 s2_timescale = float(s2.attrib['TimeScale'])
319 # calc difference in seconds
320 delay = s2_start_time / s2_timescale - \
321 s1_start_time / s1_timescale
326 def get_clip_duration(manifest):
327 # TODO: use <Clip ClipBegin="" ClipEnd=""> if Duration is not available
328 duration = manifest.getroot().attrib['Duration']
330 return float(duration) / 10000000 # here is the default timescale
333 def smooth_download(url, manifest, dest_dir=tempfile.gettempdir(),
334 video_stream_index=0, audio_stream_index=1,
335 video_quality_level=0, audio_quality_level=0,
336 chunks_dir=None, download=True,
337 out_video_file='_video.vc1', out_audio_file='_audio.raw'):
339 if chunks_dir == None:
340 chunks_dir = dest_dir
343 download_chunks(url, manifest, video_stream_index,
344 video_quality_level, chunks_dir)
345 download_chunks(url, manifest, audio_stream_index,
346 audio_quality_level, chunks_dir)
348 dest_video = os.path.join(dest_dir, out_video_file)
349 dest_audio = os.path.join(dest_dir, out_audio_file)
351 rebuild_stream(manifest, video_stream_index, video_quality_level,
352 chunks_dir, dest_video)
353 rebuild_stream(manifest, audio_stream_index, audio_quality_level,
354 chunks_dir, dest_audio, dest_audio + '.wav')
356 #duration = get_clip_duration(manifest)
358 delay = calc_tracks_delay(manifest, video_stream_index,
361 # optionally encode audio to vorbis:
362 # ffmpeg -i _audio.raw.wav -acodec libvorbis -aq 60 audio.ogg
363 mux_command = ("ffmpeg -i %s \\\n" +
364 " -itsoffset %f -async 1 -i %s \\\n" +
365 " -vcodec copy -acodec copy ffout.mkv") % \
366 (dest_video, delay, dest_audio + '.wav')
371 def options_parser():
372 version = "%%prog %s" % __version
373 usage = "usage: %prog [options] <manifest URL or file>"
374 parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version,
375 description=__description, epilog=__author_info)
376 parser.add_option("-i", "--info",
377 action="store_true", dest="info_only",
378 default=False, help="print Manifest info and exit")
379 parser.add_option("-m", "--manifest-only",
380 action="store_true", dest="manifest_only",
381 default=False, help="download Manifest file and exit")
382 parser.add_option("-n", "--no-download",
383 action="store_false", dest="download",
384 default=True, help="disable downloading chunks")
385 parser.add_option("-s", "--sync-delay",
386 action="store_true", dest="sync_delay",
387 default=False, help="show the sync delay between the given streams and exit")
388 parser.add_option("-d", "--dest-dir", metavar="<dir>",
389 dest="dest_dir", default=tempfile.gettempdir(),
390 help="destination directory")
391 parser.add_option("-c", "--chunks-dir", metavar="<dir>",
392 dest="chunks_dir", default=None,
393 help="directory containing chunks, if different from destination dir")
394 parser.add_option("-v", "--video-stream", metavar="<n>",
395 type="int", dest="video_stream_index", default=0,
396 help="index of the video stream")
397 parser.add_option("-a", "--audio-stream", metavar="<n>",
398 type="int", dest="audio_stream_index", default=1,
399 help="index of the audio stream")
400 parser.add_option("-q", "--video-quality", metavar="<n>",
401 type="int", dest="video_quality_level", default=0,
402 help="index of the video quality level")
403 parser.add_option("-Q", "--audio-quality", metavar="<n>",
404 type="int", dest="audio_quality_level", default=0,
405 help="index of the audio quality level")
410 if __name__ == "__main__":
412 parser = options_parser()
413 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
420 manifest, url = get_manifest(url, options.dest_dir)
422 if options.manifest_only:
425 if options.sync_delay:
426 print calc_tracks_delay(manifest,
427 options.video_stream_index,
428 options.audio_stream_index)
431 if options.info_only:
432 print_manifest_info(manifest)
435 print_manifest_info(manifest)
437 smooth_download(url, manifest, options.dest_dir,
438 options.video_stream_index, options.audio_stream_index,
439 options.video_quality_level, options.audio_quality_level,
440 options.chunks_dir, options.download)