+" Vim global plugin for adding and manipulating signature blocks in e-mails
+" Maintainer: Antonio Ospite <ospite@studenti.unina.it>
+" Version: 0.1
+" Last Change: 2009-11-24
+" License: This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+" Install Details:
+" Drop this file into your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory.
+" Examples:
+" map <Leader>s :call AppendSignature('~/.signature')<CR>
+" map <Leader>r :call ReplaceLastSignature('~/.signature')<CR>
+" map <Leader>R :call ReplaceAllSignatures('~/.signature')<CR>
+" " Append a signature block to all e-mails
+" autocmd FileType mail silent call AddSignature('~/.signature') | w
+" " Append a signature block to cover letters generated with git-format-patch
+" autocmd BufRead 0000-cover-letter.patch silent call AddSignature('~/.signature') | w
+" autocmd BufRead 0000-cover-letter.patch autocmd! BufRead 0000-cover-letter.patch
+" References:
+" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signature_block
+" http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855
+if exists("g:loaded_signaturePlugin") | finish | endif
+let g:loaded_signaturePlugin = 1
+" Function: AppendSignature()
+" Purpose: Append a signature block at the end of message
+func! AppendSignature(sigfile)
+ " Add the signature marker at the end of the file
+ exe '$put =\"-- \"'
+ " Append the signature block file at the end of the file
+ exe '$r ' . fnameescape(a:sigfile)
+" Function: AddSignature()
+" Purpose: Add a signature block if there isn't one already
+func! AddSignature(sigfile)
+ " Save current cursor position in mark 'z'
+ normal mz
+ " Append a signature block only if there isn't one already
+ try
+ exe '0/^-- $/'
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ " catch error E486 (search command failed)
+ " put an extra newline
+ exe '$put =\"\n\"'
+ call AppendSignature(a:sigfile)
+ endtry
+ " restore cursor position from mark 'z' if the mark is still valid
+ silent! normal `z
+" Function: ReplaceAllSignatures()
+" Purpose: Replace all signature blocks in the message
+func! ReplaceAllSignatures(sigfile)
+ " Save current cursor position in mark 'z'
+ normal mz
+ try
+ " delete from the FIRST signature marker '^-- $' down to
+ " the end of the file
+ exe '0/^-- $/,$d'
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ " catch error E486 (search command failed)
+ endtry
+ call AppendSignature(a:sigfile)
+ " restore cursor position from mark 'z' if the mark is still valid
+ silent! normal `z
+" Function: ReplaceLastSignature()
+" Purpose: Replace only the last signature block in the message
+func! ReplaceLastSignature(sigfile)
+ " Save current cursor position in mark 'z'
+ normal mz
+ try
+ " delete from the LAST signature marker '^-- $' down to
+ " the end of the file
+ exe '$?^-- $?,$d'
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ " catch error E486 (search command failed)
+ endtry
+ call AppendSignature(a:sigfile)
+ " restore cursor position from mark 'z' if the mark is still valid
+ silent! normal `z