+ # Check even or odd
+ if (winding_number % 2) == 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ if coincidence:
+ return False
+ return True
+ isVertInside = staticmethod(isVertInside)
+ def det(a, b, c):
+ return ((b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) -
+ (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]))
+ det = staticmethod(det)
+ def pointInPolygon(q, P):
+ is_in = False
+ point_at_infinity = NMesh.Vert(-INF, q.co[1], -INF)
+ det = HSR.det
+ for i in range(len(P.v)):
+ p0 = P.v[i - 1]
+ p1 = P.v[i]
+ if (det(q.co, point_at_infinity.co, p0.co) < 0) != (det(q.co, point_at_infinity.co, p1.co) < 0):
+ if det(p0.co, p1.co, q.co) == 0:
+ #print "On Boundary"
+ return False
+ elif (det(p0.co, p1.co, q.co) < 0) != (det(p0.co, p1.co, point_at_infinity.co) < 0):
+ is_in = not is_in
+ return is_in
+ pointInPolygon = staticmethod(pointInPolygon)
+ def projectionsOverlap(f1, f2):
+ """ If you have nonconvex, but still simple polygons, an acceptable method
+ is to iterate over all vertices and perform the Point-in-polygon test[1].
+ The advantage of this method is that you can compute the exact
+ intersection point and collision normal that you will need to simulate
+ collision. When you have the point that lies inside the other polygon, you
+ just iterate over all edges of the second polygon again and look for edge
+ intersections. Note that this method detects collsion when it already
+ happens. This algorithm is fast enough to perform it hundreds of times per
+ sec. """
+ for i in range(len(f1.v)):
+ # If a point of f1 in inside f2, there is an overlap!
+ v1 = f1.v[i]
+ #if HSR.isVertInside(f2, v1):
+ if HSR.pointInPolygon(v1, f2):
+ return True
+ # If not the polygon can be ovelap as well, so we check for
+ # intersection between an edge of f1 and all the edges of f2
+ v0 = f1.v[i - 1]
+ for j in range(len(f2.v)):
+ v2 = f2.v[j - 1]
+ v3 = f2.v[j]
+ e1 = v0, v1
+ e2 = v2, v3
+ intrs = HSR.edgeIntersection(e1, e2)
+ if intrs:
+ #print_debug(str(v0.co) + " " + str(v1.co) + " " +
+ # str(v2.co) + " " + str(v3.co) )
+ #print_debug("\nIntersection\n")
+ return True
+ return False
+ projectionsOverlap = staticmethod(projectionsOverlap)
+ def midpoint(p1, p2):
+ """Return the midpoint of two vertices.
+ """
+ m = MidpointVecs(Vector(p1), Vector(p2))
+ mv = NMesh.Vert(m[0], m[1], m[2])
+ return mv
+ midpoint = staticmethod(midpoint)
+ def facesplit(P, Q, facelist, nmesh):
+ """Split P or Q according to the strategy illustrated in the Newell's
+ paper.
+ """
+ by_furthest_z = (lambda f1, f2:
+ cmp(max([v.co[2] for v in f1]), max([v.co[2] for v in f2]) + EPS)
+ )
+ # Choose if split P on Q plane or vice-versa
+ n = 0
+ for Pi in P:
+ d = HSR.Distance(Vector(Pi), Q)
+ if d <= EPS:
+ n += 1
+ pIntersectQ = (n != len(P))
+ n = 0
+ for Qi in Q:
+ d = HSR.Distance(Vector(Qi), P)
+ if d >= -EPS:
+ n += 1
+ qIntersectP = (n != len(Q))
+ newfaces = []
+ # 1. If parts of P lie in both half-spaces of Q
+ # then splice P in two with the plane of Q
+ if pIntersectQ:
+ #print "We split P"
+ f = P
+ plane = Q
+ newfaces = HSR.splitOn(plane, f)
+ # 2. Else if parts of Q lie in both half-space of P
+ # then splice Q in two with the plane of P
+ if qIntersectP and newfaces == None:
+ #print "We split Q"
+ f = Q
+ plane = P
+ newfaces = HSR.splitOn(plane, f)
+ #print "After"
+ # 3. Else slice P in half through the mid-point of
+ # the longest pair of opposite sides
+ if newfaces == None:
+ print "We ignore P..."
+ facelist.remove(P)
+ return facelist
+ #f = P
+ #if len(P)==3:
+ # v1 = midpoint(f[0], f[1])
+ # v2 = midpoint(f[1], f[2])
+ #if len(P)==4:
+ # v1 = midpoint(f[0], f[1])
+ # v2 = midpoint(f[2], f[3])
+ #vec3 = (Vector(v2)+10*Vector(f.normal))
+ #
+ #v3 = NMesh.Vert(vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2])
+ #plane = NMesh.Face([v1, v2, v3])
+ #
+ #newfaces = splitOn(plane, f)
+ if newfaces == None:
+ print "Big FAT problem, we weren't able to split POLYGONS!"
+ raise AssertionError
+ #print newfaces
+ if newfaces:
+ #for v in f:
+ # if v not in plane and v in nmesh.verts:
+ # nmesh.verts.remove(v)
+ for nf in newfaces:
+ nf.mat = f.mat
+ nf.sel = f.sel
+ nf.col = [f.col[0]] * len(nf.v)
+ nf.smooth = 0
+ for v in nf:
+ nmesh.verts.append(v)
+ # insert pieces in the list
+ facelist.append(nf)
+ facelist.remove(f)
+ # and resort the faces
+ facelist.sort(by_furthest_z)
+ facelist.sort(lambda f1, f2: cmp(f1.smooth, f2.smooth))
+ facelist.reverse()
+ #print [ f.smooth for f in facelist ]
+ return facelist
+ facesplit = staticmethod(facesplit)
+ def isOnSegment(v1, v2, p, extremes_internal=False):
+ """Check if point p is in segment v1v2.
+ """
+ l1 = (v1 - p).length
+ l2 = (v2 - p).length
+ # Should we consider extreme points as internal ?
+ # The test:
+ # if p == v1 or p == v2:
+ if l1 < EPS or l2 < EPS:
+ return extremes_internal
+ l = (v1 - v2).length
+ # if the sum of l1 and l2 is circa l, then the point is on segment,
+ if abs(l - (l1 + l2)) < EPS:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ isOnSegment = staticmethod(isOnSegment)
+ def Distance(point, face):
+ """ Calculate the distance between a point and a face.
+ An alternative but more expensive method can be:
+ ip = Intersect(Vector(face[0]), Vector(face[1]), Vector(face[2]),
+ Vector(face.no), Vector(point), 0)
+ d = Vector(ip - point).length
+ See: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-PlaneDistance.html
+ """
+ p = Vector(point)
+ plNormal = Vector(face.no)
+ plVert0 = Vector(face.v[0])
+ d = (plVert0 * plNormal) - (p * plNormal)
+ #d = plNormal * (plVert0 - p)
+ #print "\nd: %.10f - sel: %d, %s\n" % (d, face.sel, str(point))
+ return d
+ Distance = staticmethod(Distance)
+ def makeFaces(vl):
+ #
+ # make one or two new faces based on a list of vertex-indices
+ #
+ newfaces = []
+ if len(vl) <= 4:
+ nf = NMesh.Face()
+ for v in vl:
+ nf.v.append(v)
+ newfaces.append(nf)
+ else:
+ nf = NMesh.Face()
+ nf.v.append(vl[0])
+ nf.v.append(vl[1])
+ nf.v.append(vl[2])
+ nf.v.append(vl[3])
+ newfaces.append(nf)
+ nf = NMesh.Face()
+ nf.v.append(vl[3])
+ nf.v.append(vl[4])
+ nf.v.append(vl[0])
+ newfaces.append(nf)
+ return newfaces
+ makeFaces = staticmethod(makeFaces)
+ def splitOn(Q, P, return_positive_faces=True, return_negative_faces=True):
+ """Split P using the plane of Q.
+ Logic taken from the knife.py python script
+ """
+ # Check if P and Q are parallel
+ u = CrossVecs(Vector(Q.no), Vector(P.no))
+ ax = abs(u[0])
+ ay = abs(u[1])
+ az = abs(u[2])
+ if (ax + ay + az) < EPS:
+ print "PARALLEL planes!!"
+ return
+ # The final aim is to find the intersection line between P
+ # and the plane of Q, and split P along this line
+ nP = len(P.v)
+ # Calculate point-plane Distance between vertices of P and plane Q
+ d = []
+ for i in range(0, nP):
+ d.append(HSR.Distance(P.v[i], Q))
+ newVertList = []
+ posVertList = []
+ negVertList = []
+ for i in range(nP):
+ d0 = d[i - 1]
+ V0 = P.v[i - 1]
+ d1 = d[i]
+ V1 = P.v[i]
+ #print "d0:", d0, "d1:", d1
+ # if the vertex lies in the cutplane
+ if abs(d1) < EPS:
+ #print "d1 On cutplane"
+ posVertList.append(V1)
+ negVertList.append(V1)
+ else:
+ # if the previous vertex lies in cutplane
+ if abs(d0) < EPS:
+ #print "d0 on Cutplane"
+ if d1 > 0:
+ #print "d1 on positive Halfspace"
+ posVertList.append(V1)
+ else:
+ #print "d1 on negative Halfspace"
+ negVertList.append(V1)
+ else:
+ # if they are on the same side of the plane
+ if (d1 * d0) > 0:
+ #print "On the same half-space"
+ if d1 > 0:
+ #print "d1 on positive Halfspace"
+ posVertList.append(V1)
+ else:
+ #print "d1 on negative Halfspace"
+ negVertList.append(V1)
+ # the vertices are not on the same side of the plane, so we have an intersection
+ else:
+ #print "Intersection"
+ e = Vector(V0), Vector(V1)
+ tri = Vector(Q[0]), Vector(Q[1]), Vector(Q[2])
+ inters = Intersect(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], e[1] - e[0], e[0], 0)
+ if inters == None:
+ print "Split Break"
+ break
+ #print "Intersection", inters
+ nv = NMesh.Vert(inters[0], inters[1], inters[2])
+ newVertList.append(nv)
+ posVertList.append(nv)
+ negVertList.append(nv)
+ if d1 > 0:
+ posVertList.append(V1)
+ else:
+ negVertList.append(V1)
+ # uniq for python > 2.4
+ #posVertList = [ u for u in posVertList if u not in locals()['_[1]'] ]
+ #negVertList = [ u for u in negVertList if u not in locals()['_[1]'] ]
+ # a more portable way
+ posVertList = uniq(posVertList)
+ negVertList = uniq(negVertList)
+ # If vertex are all on the same half-space, return
+ #if len(posVertList) < 3:
+ # print "Problem, we created a face with less that 3 vertices??"
+ # posVertList = []
+ #if len(negVertList) < 3:
+ # print "Problem, we created a face with less that 3 vertices??"
+ # negVertList = []
+ if len(posVertList) < 3 or len(negVertList) < 3:
+ #print "RETURN NONE, SURE???"
+ return None
+ if not return_positive_faces:
+ posVertList = []
+ if not return_negative_faces:
+ negVertList = []
+ newfaces = HSR.addNewFaces(posVertList, negVertList)
+ return newfaces
+ splitOn = staticmethod(splitOn)
+ def addNewFaces(posVertList, negVertList):
+ # Create new faces resulting from the split
+ outfaces = []
+ if len(posVertList) or len(negVertList):
+ #newfaces = [posVertList] + [negVertList]
+ newfaces = ([[NMesh.Vert(v[0], v[1], v[2]) for v in posVertList]] +
+ [[NMesh.Vert(v[0], v[1], v[2]) for v in negVertList]])
+ for nf in newfaces:
+ if nf and len(nf) > 2:
+ outfaces += HSR.makeFaces(nf)
+ return outfaces
+ addNewFaces = staticmethod(addNewFaces)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Mesh Utility class
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+class MeshUtils:
+ def buildEdgeFaceUsersCache(me):
+ '''
+ Takes a mesh and returns a list aligned with the meshes edges.
+ Each item is a list of the faces that use the edge
+ would be the equiv for having ed.face_users as a property
+ Taken from .blender/scripts/bpymodules/BPyMesh.py,
+ thanks to ideasman_42.
+ '''
+ def sorted_edge_indicies(ed):
+ i1 = ed.v1.index
+ i2 = ed.v2.index
+ if i1 > i2:
+ i1, i2 = i2, i1
+ return i1, i2
+ face_edges_dict = dict([(sorted_edge_indicies(ed), (ed.index, [])) for ed in me.edges])
+ for f in me.faces:
+ fvi = [v.index for v in f.v] # face vert idx's
+ for i in xrange(len(f)):
+ i1 = fvi[i]
+ i2 = fvi[i - 1]
+ if i1 > i2:
+ i1, i2 = i2, i1
+ face_edges_dict[i1, i2][1].append(f)
+ face_edges = [None] * len(me.edges)
+ for ed_index, ed_faces in face_edges_dict.itervalues():
+ face_edges[ed_index] = ed_faces
+ return face_edges
+ def isMeshEdge(adjacent_faces):
+ """Mesh edge rule.
+ A mesh edge is visible if _at_least_one_ of its adjacent faces is selected.