+ geometricObjTypes = ['Mesh', 'Surf', 'Curve', 'Text']
+ Objects = scene.getChildren()
+ objList = [ o for o in Objects if o.getType() in geometricObjTypes ]
+ for obj in objList:
+ old_obj = obj
+ obj = self._convertToRawMeshObj(obj)
+ scene.link(obj)
+ scene.unlink(old_obj)
+ # Mesh Cleanup
+ me = obj.getData(mesh=1)
+ for f in me.faces: f.sel = 1;
+ for v in me.verts: v.sel = 1;
+ me.remDoubles(0)
+ me.triangleToQuad()
+ me.recalcNormals()
+ me.update()
+ def _doSceneClipping(self, scene):
+ """Clip objects against the View Frustum.
+ For now clip away only objects according to their center position.
+ """
+ cpos = self._getObjPosition(self.cameraObj)
+ view_vect = self._cameraViewDirection()
+ near = self.cameraObj.data.clipStart
+ far = self.cameraObj.data.clipEnd
+ aspect = float(self.canvasRatio[0])/float(self.canvasRatio[1])
+ fovy = atan(0.5/aspect/(self.cameraObj.data.lens/32))
+ fovy = fovy * 360.0/pi
+ Objects = scene.getChildren()
+ for o in Objects:
+ if o.getType() != 'Mesh': continue;
+ obj_vect = Vector(cpos) - self._getObjPosition(o)
+ d = obj_vect*view_vect
+ theta = AngleBetweenVecs(obj_vect, view_vect)
+ # if the object is outside the view frustum, clip it away
+ if (d < near) or (d > far) or (theta > fovy):
+ scene.unlink(o)