- Antonio is from
- <address>Naples, Italy</address>
- a strange, still beautiful, city.
+ <address>
+ Antonio is from<br/>
+ <a title="Naples, Italy"
+ href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=it&geocode=&q=naples,+IT&sll=26.160677,-81.795616&sspn=0.137744,0.265045&ie=UTF8&ll=40.869911,14.252701&spn=0.232099,0.53009&z=11&iwloc=A">Naples, Italy</a>,
+ a strange, still beautiful, city.<br/>
+ His website is at <a title="ao2: attacchi teoristici" href="http://ao2.it">ao2.it</a>
+ </address>
- This file name is in <var>$THIS_FILE</var>... this is just an example, you
- know.
+ Save this file to <var>xhtml11_quickref.html</var>... this is just an example value,
+ you can choose the name you like more.